Even though the King gave a royal guideline, through His speeches to courts new appointees on April 25th, the political pirates and bandits still operate without deceleration. The evil political party still vows to go forward with Congress convention and new government installation.
This year, His Majesty cancelled the occasion when every May 5th people usually go in to receive royally granted medals and titles. The social atmosphere is not conducive for any celebration with poms and circumstances; and HM knows it. He is the most righteous leader, head of state, and king. I am grateful to be born during the time of His reign. I dread the day when I would wake up and find Him no more...
The medals and titles are undefinable honors bestowed to the recipients. Unfortunately, in my opinion, they are TOO numerous as well as TOO frequently given. Most of the time, duration of ordinary civil servant work, routine promotions (of one's own or spouse's), the amount and frequencies of monetary donations, and political or Cabinet posts automatically entitle people to such honors. Many corrupt politicians, regardless of background, receive royal honors simply because they are in power.
Therefore, many tyrants, traitors, mafia bosses, crooks, thieves, national and local thugs, narcotics dealers, pimps, casino owners, smugglers, sexual predators, tycoons, and the wealthy all make it to this honor roll even though they don't in the least deserve it. Sadly, many of them are corrupt politicians, military personnel, police officers, and commissioners who do not act in the best interest of the country but of their own are the majority on the list. Soon their wives would be appointed Dames and Ladies.
And after they receive such honor, what will they do? They will firstly go get their portraits--in full regalia--taken. Then they will get new ID cards, and privilege decals/passes made. They have been elevated into a SPECIAL CLASS of the select few. From now on, they are the UNTOUCHABLES. This "untouchable" status is the same as the "royalty" status although some of these people really belong in the INDIAN equivalent. They are entitled to all the waives and exempts. Everything they do will not be persecuted or prosecuted. Everywhere they go is lined with red carpets. These are the things so many Thais are driven to achieve...
To me, this type of false honors constitutes such nonsense and superficial pretense. There is NO difference from a clown suit. It is not a standard to measure one's worthiness. A diligent and honest waiter is more honorable than a prime minister who is thoroughly corrupt, sells out his country, and cheats his fellow countrymen...
This year's royal cancellation is welcoming news for me. It creates an obvious CASTE system in the Thai society. It, more than often, elevates crooks to a higher level. Bad politicians and corrupt government officials are "promoted" because of their positions but not of their merits. I hope and pray that His Majesty abolishes this faulty honoring system altogether.
This is an "unequal opportunity" honor. It could very well be one of the reasons why Thailand is still underdeveloped as it is and continues to be.
I want to point out here that the Indian Untouchables were born into that awful caste because the society determines so. This is by all means UNFAIR. NOBODY can choose what he/she is born into, but everyone can choose what he/she CAN BE. Well, at least in some societies there are more opportunities than others...

This year, His Majesty cancelled the occasion when every May 5th people usually go in to receive royally granted medals and titles. The social atmosphere is not conducive for any celebration with poms and circumstances; and HM knows it. He is the most righteous leader, head of state, and king. I am grateful to be born during the time of His reign. I dread the day when I would wake up and find Him no more...
The medals and titles are undefinable honors bestowed to the recipients. Unfortunately, in my opinion, they are TOO numerous as well as TOO frequently given. Most of the time, duration of ordinary civil servant work, routine promotions (of one's own or spouse's), the amount and frequencies of monetary donations, and political or Cabinet posts automatically entitle people to such honors. Many corrupt politicians, regardless of background, receive royal honors simply because they are in power.
Therefore, many tyrants, traitors, mafia bosses, crooks, thieves, national and local thugs, narcotics dealers, pimps, casino owners, smugglers, sexual predators, tycoons, and the wealthy all make it to this honor roll even though they don't in the least deserve it. Sadly, many of them are corrupt politicians, military personnel, police officers, and commissioners who do not act in the best interest of the country but of their own are the majority on the list. Soon their wives would be appointed Dames and Ladies.
And after they receive such honor, what will they do? They will firstly go get their portraits--in full regalia--taken. Then they will get new ID cards, and privilege decals/passes made. They have been elevated into a SPECIAL CLASS of the select few. From now on, they are the UNTOUCHABLES. This "untouchable" status is the same as the "royalty" status although some of these people really belong in the INDIAN equivalent. They are entitled to all the waives and exempts. Everything they do will not be persecuted or prosecuted. Everywhere they go is lined with red carpets. These are the things so many Thais are driven to achieve...
To me, this type of false honors constitutes such nonsense and superficial pretense. There is NO difference from a clown suit. It is not a standard to measure one's worthiness. A diligent and honest waiter is more honorable than a prime minister who is thoroughly corrupt, sells out his country, and cheats his fellow countrymen...
This year's royal cancellation is welcoming news for me. It creates an obvious CASTE system in the Thai society. It, more than often, elevates crooks to a higher level. Bad politicians and corrupt government officials are "promoted" because of their positions but not of their merits. I hope and pray that His Majesty abolishes this faulty honoring system altogether.
This is an "unequal opportunity" honor. It could very well be one of the reasons why Thailand is still underdeveloped as it is and continues to be.
I want to point out here that the Indian Untouchables were born into that awful caste because the society determines so. This is by all means UNFAIR. NOBODY can choose what he/she is born into, but everyone can choose what he/she CAN BE. Well, at least in some societies there are more opportunities than others...

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