Satan has returned...
Satan is back again at the Government House...
After the primetime tears on April 5, today, May 22, the Evil Tyrant is back in office. Citing the urgency to deal with narcotics problems, the Potty Mouth returns to power.
Is this country really doomed? Does he think this country is his personal property, so he can fool around with? Are the Thais that dumb?
The only one to whome we can turn is the King. His speech was ignored by people in government. The High Courts have been working carrying out His Majesty's guidance, but their rulings, too, have been ignored by the Prime Monster and its cronies. The totally corrupt Election Commission of Thailand (ECT) still goes forward with their illegal procedures.
These days the sky is totally dark for the Thais, whether they can see it or not...
Even though the King gave a royal guideline, through His speeches to courts new appointees on April 25th, the political pirates and bandits still operate without deceleration. The evil political party still vows to go forward with Congress convention and new government installation.
This year, His Majesty cancelled the occasion when every May 5th people usually go in to receive royally granted medals and titles. The social atmosphere is not conducive for any celebration with poms and circumstances; and HM knows it. He is the most righteous leader, head of state, and king. I am grateful to be born during the time of His reign. I dread the day when I would wake up and find Him no more...
The medals and titles are undefinable honors bestowed to the recipients. Unfortunately, in my opinion, they are TOO numerous as well as TOO frequently given. Most of the time, duration of ordinary civil servant work, routine promotions (of one's own or spouse's), the amount and frequencies of monetary donations, and political or Cabinet posts automatically entitle people to such honors. Many corrupt politicians, regardless of background, receive royal honors simply because they are in power.
Therefore, many tyrants, traitors, mafia bosses, crooks, thieves, national and local thugs, narcotics dealers, pimps, casino owners, smugglers, sexual predators, tycoons, and the wealthy all make it to this honor roll even though they don't in the least deserve it. Sadly, many of them are corrupt politicians, military personnel, police officers, and commissioners who do not act in the best interest of the country but of their own are the majority on the list. Soon their wives would be appointed Dames and Ladies.
And after they receive such honor, what will they do? They will firstly go get their portraits--in full regalia--taken. Then they will get new ID cards, and privilege decals/passes made. They have been elevated into a SPECIAL CLASS of the select few. From now on, they are the UNTOUCHABLES. This "untouchable" status is the same as the "royalty" status although some of these people really belong in the INDIAN equivalent. They are entitled to all the waives and exempts. Everything they do will not be persecuted or prosecuted. Everywhere they go is lined with red carpets. These are the things so many Thais are driven to achieve...
To me, this type of false honors constitutes such nonsense and superficial pretense. There is NO difference from a clown suit. It is not a standard to measure one's worthiness. A diligent and honest waiter is more honorable than a prime minister who is thoroughly corrupt, sells out his country, and cheats his fellow countrymen...
This year's royal cancellation is welcoming news for me. It creates an obvious CASTE system in the Thai society. It, more than often, elevates crooks to a higher level. Bad politicians and corrupt government officials are "promoted" because of their positions but not of their merits. I hope and pray that His Majesty abolishes this faulty honoring system altogether.
This is an "unequal opportunity" honor. It could very well be one of the reasons why Thailand is still underdeveloped as it is and continues to be.
I want to point out here that the Indian Untouchables were born into that awful caste because the society determines so. This is by all means UNFAIR. NOBODY can choose what he/she is born into, but everyone can choose what he/she CAN BE. Well, at least in some societies there are more opportunities than others...

The Royal and Divine Intervention
Last night (April 25 2006) the unexpected Divine Intervention came to save our country.
His Majesty the King, in His royal blessing during the audience to accept the justices' pledge, gave His royal opinions and comments as the guide to break/defuse the country's political stalemate/turmoil.
As a result, Chief justices and associated justices of the Supreme Court, the Administrative Court, and the Constitution Court are holding a session on Friday April 28 2006 to discuss the situation and how it might be solved through legal procedures.
HM has extinguished the smoldering fire that had been awaiting political fuel.
Without Him, how will we survive as a country?? Why did things have to get to His Majesty before anything could proceed? Besides His advanced age, His Majesty has a health problem. HM deserves to rest. Why did we have to bother Him?? If He didn't say a thing, would we be able to solve anything at all by ourselves??
God Bless the King...Long Live the King...
Even bleaker future
I am so discouraged and now want to find my way out.
Anti-government activists are now being targetted by corrupt police forces.
The results of the April 2 General Election and the April 19 Senatorial Election only confirmed that Thailand is in a serious condition.
Why? Because the next Congress is now called the "husband-and-wife" congress. The Senate is now full of politicians' spouses, relatives, and cronies.
How can we expect that politics to be fairer and more transparent when the old corrupt system is still intact??
The Election Commission of Thailand (ECT) is instrumental in legitimizing this unlawful procedure. The ECT is doing everything it can to ascertain the political grip of the evil party and the evil PM.
We have no one to turn to. All the independent agencies are virtually controlled by the money and power of the Tyrant. It seems the power of goodness is losing to the power of money...
Poor Thailand and Thai people, the end has never been more apparent...
Don't be fooled
Although the "No Vote" garnered 10.6 million votes in the PM's snap election on April 2 2006, we have not won the war.
The darn PM still holds a tight grip to power.
After April 4 audience with the King, the PM came on national TV and said he would "step aside."
Stepping aside does NOT mean resigning or quitting.
He has NOT resigned as Prime Monster!! He still IS the caretaker PM until the next PM is chosen (expected in May). And by then, we know what he plans to do.
He only lets another scapegoat, or proxy PM, to sit at the helm while he still orders things around.
We won't be fooled!
Why do we oppose the darn guy so much? Because this devil is so evil. He wants to be the first President of Thailand, wants to own the country, wants to own the people, and will never stop until he is the richest man in the world.
He only stepped aside until the negative feeling against him subsides, until his party collects enough votes to start the parliamentary session, and until he is nominated. He will not take the honor; instead, he will pass it to his appointed proxy. This proxy PM will operate according to the darn Tyrant's commands. All the operations will go on as scheduled. Thailand is still on track for the destination assigned by the Tyrant.
We still have a lot of work to do. There is so much fixing in order to stop the evil plan.
I hope and pray for my country...
Parliament Dissolved to Save A**
As expected, the evil PM dissolved parliament last night, two days before the scheduled mass public rally.
The televised formal announcement provided a pathetic and ridiculous reason. It (the evil Potty Mouth) said the decision to dissolve stemmed from an "unlawful pressure" from "a certain group of people who lost out on personal business profits."
WE? Ordinary people? Lost out on personal gains?
Yes, we as a country WILL definitely lose out to FOREIGNERS if YOU stay in power. And YOU will definitely gain even greater PERSONAL benefits!!!--the benefits that rightfully belong to THE COUNTRY and THAI PEOPLE.
Oh, you the most evil man on the face of the earth!
Parliament dissolution should be done only when disagreements between the executive branch and the legislative branch cannot be reasonably and mannerly resolved.
In this case, however, there was no such thing, for you already controled both houses. Congress is labeled as the MOST CORRUPT on earth. Nearly every MP and Senator is at your feet, listening to your commands and bowing down to you and your feet. Every law and every debate has been conducted only to protect, defend, and aide your and your cronies' benefits.
This decision to dissolve parliament came only because you want to avoid parliamentary inquiries into your questionable and suspicious business conducts that violate both the constitution and ethics.
You did it because YOU wanted to save YOUR HEAD and YOUR TAIL from being cut. You BLAME the people for causing you to choose this route. YOU COWARD AS*!
You could not, would not, and will not face the law and justice. You wanted to get away unpunished with YOUR CRIME!!
You push the burden on the people--to use our money to stage another election.
You know you will come back easily. You have 60 days--too short for other parties to plan their campaign. It will give you ALL the advantages. YOU know beforehand. The election commission is full of your cronies. The ballot printer is controlled by your appointee. You can magically create everything in a wink. Your money is the sacred mantra.
This is definitely a selfish, cowardly, and irresponsible act. And WE condemn YOU.
Verdict of the SEC
The Securities and Exchange Commission ruled that the evil PM and its daughter was not guilty in the personal asset sell-off. However, it found the devil's son guilty of the failure to submit related documents. This was a minor charge punishable by a small fine.
The opposition party accused the SEC of whitewashing the devil and its family.
We all know the opposition party was right.
Constitution Court Turned down petition
Twenty-eight senators submitted a petition to the Constitution Court to examine the Pathetic Monster's violation of law in the sale of personal assets to the Singaporean company.
The sale violated the law to prevent conflict of interest of any cabinet member to also wear a business executive hat and conduct personal businesses alongside in competition with public interests.
However, as many had expected, the "bought" eight judges turned down the acceptance of the petition for hearing, citing insufficient evidence and vague accusation.
We already have your names down, crooked judges!!
Two Potty Mouths on TV

"Good Brave Doggy!! Others only attack Sondhi, the anti-government movement leader, and the opposition parties. You, on the other hand, fearlessly attacked the Privy Councilors!!"
Two days ago, two old-timer potty-mouthed political commentators lambasted the Chief Privy Councilor and another Councilor about their righteous actions.
The older foul-mouthed commentator was involved in a crackdown on Thai people during the bloody student uprising of 1976. His hands are soiled with students' blood. The bad mouth, who can instantly change allegiance, has been in politics for ages, mostly for his own financial and fame gain. In his last post as the Governor of Bangkok, he told his cronies, "If you can't manage to get rich in my term, you're lucked out."
Finally, unrepented and with no remorse, they had to abandon their disgraced TV shows and could no longer go on spitting vomit into words on national TV.